Veterinary technicians may not appear to have much in common with Wonder Woman or Batman. Yet vet technicians are superheroes in their own right by their dedication to the health and well-being of pets everywhere. That’s why clinics across North America have been participating in National Veterinary Technician Week since 1993 as an opportunity to honor the commitment, compassion, and hard work that veterinary technicians provide every day. 

As the animal-health equivalent of registered nurses, veterinary technicians typically perform a wide range of daily tasks to ensure that patients receive the best possible care and attention, including: 

  • administering medications, vaccines, and treatments prescribed by a veterinarian 
  • preparing animals and instruments for surgery, as well as assisting in surgery 
  • taking and developing x-rays and performing laboratory tests 
  • providing nursing care and emergency first aid to recovering or injured animals 
  • bathing animals and clipping nails or claws
  • restraining animals during exams or procedures 
  • collecting and maintaining patient records 
  • and so much more 

While veterinary technicians commonly work in private clinics and animal hospitals, vet technicians are also critical to the health and well-being of animals in rescue shelters, zoos, and the military. Plus, as animal welfare advocates, veterinary technicians help improve compliance and can also attract new clients to a clinic. 

In recognition of all they do, vet technicians usually aren’t looking for earth-stopping rewards, like a free trip to the Bahamas or the chance to take the Batmobile for a spin (as much as many people would enjoy an opportunity like that). 

Like veterinarians, vet technicians are fundamentally motivated by their love of animals. So, their daily opportunity to make a difference in the lives of animals (and their owners) already has its rewards. Yet as their work often goes unsung (and given the physical and emotional demands of their profession), a little can go a long way in showing your vet tech the spirit of National Veterinary Technician Week. 

Here are five simple ways to show your veterinary technicians that you appreciate all they do: 

 1. Write a Thank-You Note

thank you note for vet tech

Image Source:

On its own, saying thank you to your vet technician already means a lot. However, when you write your thanks into a note (meaning actual paper), your thanks become extra special in a time when more people opt to send texts and emails than leave handwritten notes. 

Adding specifics tend to deepen the impact and meaning of thank-you notes. Example: 

“Thank you for all that you do each day for our team, our clients and their pets. Special thanks for providing emotional support for the pet owner who came in last week. Your compassion for clients and their pets is something you should be proud of.” 

Adding specifics to a thank-you note shows vet technicians that what they do each day doesn’t go unnoticed. And when people feel recognized, they feel valued. 

2. Surprise Them With Snacks

vet tech bomb

Image Source: Ann Arbor Animal Hospital

Whether your vet technicians are in the habit of grabbing a coffee and donut on the way to work, a box of free donuts, muffins or other delicious treats is always a welcome sight in clinic break rooms—made all the more special by wrapping the box in a simple ribbon or crowning it with a bow. Order a variety of treats to allow people the enjoyment of trying things they may not normally order on their own, and to accentuate the sense of celebration, bring in enough so that people have the option of indulging in seconds. 

3. Acknowledge Your Superhero Team on Social Media

Social Media Posting: Issaquah Veterinary Hospital

Celebrate the hard work and contributions of your veterinary technicians by thanking them on your social channels. Whether posting a few written lines of thanks or uploading photos of them with patients, when you publicly celebrate your veterinary technicians, you show the care-centered, human quality of your practice, which resonates with pet owners. 

4. Decorate!

Social Media Posting: Treehouse Animal Clinic

Streamers, balloons and other decorations hung in your lobby are an easy and colorful way to show your vet techs some love while also showing clients that you’re the awesome veterinarian who didn’t forget National Veterinary Technician Week. 

5. Hand Out Fun Gifts

vet tech gift

Image Source:

T-shirts, coffee mugs and similar gifts are a fun and budget-friendly way to say thanks to vet technicians while acknowledging their often-challenging roles in animal healthcare. 

A few favorite T-shirt and coffee-mug sayings that we found online: 

  • “Veterinary technician, because multitasking ninja is not an actual job title.” 
  • “I’m a vet tech. What’s your superpower?” 
  • “Being a vet tech is easy. It’s like riding a bike… 23 bikes at the same time… and the bikes are on fire… and did I mention the bear?” 
  • “I’m a vet tech. I can’t fix it, but I can sedate it.” 
  • “Don’t argue with me. I neuter for a living.” 
  • “It’s all fun and games until someone ends up in a cone.” 
  • “Caring for animals is not what I do. It’s who I am.” 
  • “I am a paw-holding, owner-consoling, blood-taking, back-aching, tick-tweezing, anal gland-squeezing, injection-giving, always-forgiving, fur-shaving, life-saving vet tech.” 
  • “Vet techs are pawsome.” 

Vet Tech Appreciation Quotes

vet staffs

Veterinary technicians play an important role in providing care for our furry friends. As dedicated professionals, they work closely with veterinarians to provide high-quality medical treatment. From administering vaccines to performing diagnostic tests, veterinary technicians help to keep our pets healthy and happy. In recognition of their hard work and dedication, let us take a moment to appreciate some of the best veterinary technician quotes.

“The job of a veterinary technician is not just about treating the animal; it’s about caring for the pet owner, too.” – Unknown

“I’m a veterinary technician because I love animals and enjoy working with them every day.” – Jennie Susanne W., CVT

“I became a veterinary technician because I wanted to make a difference in the lives of animals.” – Tammy P., CVT

“As a veterinary technician, I am proud to be part of a profession that makes such a positive difference in the lives of animals.” – Sherry N., CVT

“The veterinary technician is a jack-of-all-trades and a master of many. They are the backbone of any successful veterinary practice.” -Dr. Jeff Benson

“Veterinary technicians are the link between animals and veterinarians. They are the ones who make sure that animals receive the best possible care.” -Dr. Marty Becker

“Veterinary technicians are an integral part of our profession, and I can’t imagine practicing without them.” -Dr. Alicia McLaughlin

” Veterinary technicians are the heart and soul of animal care.” -Dr. Lindsey Stone

“I’m grateful for veterinary technicians because they have big hearts for animals and they’re always there to help.” -Dr. Jennifer Coates

These are just a few of the many inspiring quotes from veterinary technicians. Please join us from October 14th-19th in celebrating veterinary technicians and let’s take a moment to appreciate some of the inspiring quotes about veterinary technicians that capture their essential role in animal care.

We, LifeLearn, appreciate all that vet techs do for animals and their humans, and we’re here to support them in any way we can.  LifeLearn has always been with animal health professionals, and helped them improve their business efficiency with better marketing strategies and veterinary customer software. 

Get a free consultation with Lifelearn today – there’s no obligation and no hassle. See how LifeLearn can help vets and other animal professions to upgrade their business performance!