At LifeLearn, we’re committed to continuously improving the veterinary tools we offer, and we’re happy to announce that starting July 2018, ClientEd content updates will be accelerated!

The ClientEd library will be significantly refreshed over the following year with updates to hundreds of articles. This will ensure that you have the best client education at your fingertips and pet owners are getting fresh information that’s easy to understand and comply with.

With the ClientEd library refresh you’ll have:

  • A consistent stream of monthly updates and new articles but at a significantly accelerated rate
  • Approximately 300 new updates with modernized images and illustrations, and fresh writing style for better understanding

Updates to the ClientEd library have already begun! The monthly ClientEd Digest email and the What’s New section within the ClientEd portal will note changes as they happen.
For additional questions or technical support, email [email protected] or call 1 (888) 225-2011, and for content suggestions, please send them directly to [email protected].