Rabies did not go away because of COVID-19. Neither did other disease risks like parvovirus, distemper, and infectious hepatitis. However, because of physical distancing and overall disruptions to life caused by the pandemic, many of your clients may have forgotten about the importance of immunizing their pets against the risk of diseases that, in some cases, can infect people.
We can appreciate how busy your practice must be as physical distancing restrictions continue and practice protocols change. To save your practice time while encouraging appointments during National Immunization Awareness Month, download our free Immunization Awareness Kit to easily educate and remind clients about the importance of immunizing their pets against preventable diseases.
Our free kit includes:

  • Two educational handouts for clients: Synopsis of a ClientEd Handout—that you can print or email
  • Three social media images that you can post on Facebook to further remind clients about the importance of immunizing pets
  • Infographic of Vaccines and Boosters – The Whys and Hows of Building Immunity in Your Pets