As a dedicated veterinarian, you spend a lot of time exploring practical ways to improve your practice and solve your team’s pain-points. As useful as these tips can be, it’s equally important to recognize your strengths and successes. That’s why we’re celebrating World Veterinary Day with a blog that’s all about how amazing veterinarians are.
So here’s to you—for all that you are and all that you do for animal health! Take a moment today to reflect on 4 reasons pet owners think veterinarians are “pawsitively” awesome.

1. Veterinarians just have a way with words

Pet owners trust their veterinarians when it comes to maintaining the health and well-being of their pets. Why? Veterinarians know their stuff! Whether diagnosing sick animals, recommending important treatments, or explaining complicated medical conditions—veterinarians pull from their extensive knowledge and experience to ensure the best patient outcomes possible. Plus, they keep it simple so the average pet owner can understand and remember important information.
Jennifer Boergers, our graphic designer and the devoted owner of a very fluffy Eskimo Spitz called Piggy, experienced this expertise firsthand at a recent check-up. Despite her dog’s history of picky eating, the veterinarian advised “there is just a little too much dog under all that poof!” and was then able to recommend a plan to get Piggy back to a healthier weight.

“Veterinarians have an amazing ability to give you all the information you need to be a good pet parent, even when it’s about your butterball of a dog!”


2. Veterinarians truly want what’s best for the pet

Thanks to the breadth of their expertise, veterinarians can use their extensive knowledge of animal medicine to plot the most effective, budget-friendly methods of treatment for sick and injured patients. Although maintaining pet health is a business, veterinarians make the effort to truly prioritize the well-being of pets and their owners during every visit—and beyond.
Kaitlyn Howarth, of the LifeLearn marketing department, once rushed her cat to the veterinary clinic after it ingested part of a bathing suit post-vacation. “I truly felt like my veterinarian was on my side,” Kaitlyn said. The compassion and understanding the veterinarian showed made all the difference and led to a positive outcome in the end.

“My veterinarian helped find the most cost-efficient way to diagnosis the problem and encouraged me to call or email whenever I had questions post-care. The entire team was caring and attentive and never made me feel like my concerns were silly.”


3. Veterinarians love all creatures, big and small

Finding affordable ways to medically treat pets is just one example of veterinarians going the extra mile. Veterinarians are also driven by a great love for animals of all shapes, sizes, and species. Beyond the clinic, they are often involved in various community outreach programs like wildlife rescue—further proving their dedication to animal welfare.
LifeLearn’s Diane Beliski was pleasantly surprised after a routine visit to her family veterinarian when she and her daughters were invited to the back room to meet two baby rescue opossums. “The veterinarian gave us a quick overview of the little creatures that she had rescued. She had noticed the mother opossum lying on the side of the road during her travels and thought she would stop to see if she could help her,” Diane explained.
Not only did this veterinarian nurse the baby opossums back to full health, she also moved them to a new home where they would be taken care of until release. This level of compassion for animals is truly reflective of the noble veterinary spirit!

4. Veterinarians go out of their way to help minimize stress for their patients

Out of kindness and consideration for each individual pet, Veterinarians know that not all patients will react positively when on the exam table. As such, they are respectful of making any necessary accommodations to ensure the visit is as painless as possible for pets and pet owners alike.
Rachel Powell, a marketing supervisor here at LifeLearn, has “a highly fear-aggressive dog that has a hard time being approached and touched by new people.” Rather than making them feel like a problem, Rachel says her veterinarian “makes every visit as stress-free as possible by including us whenever he can during the appointment and explaining everything he does. We work as a team to ensure our dog is as calm and relaxed as possible, which allows the veterinarian to examine her with us in the room—a challenging feat!”
Veterinarians like these are awesome because they really take their time and know how to handle pets with all kinds of fears, quirks, and personalities.

So Happy World Veterinary Day to all of you heroic veterinary teams. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to pets everywhere—you are truly paw-some!