Sofie Free Student Subscription

Sign up today to receive free access to Sofie

Sofie provides thousands of veterinarians with instant access to the most trusted and credible veterinary medical information. Sofie uses IBM Watson Technology to search its vast knowledge base of approximately 40,000 pages from the top veterinary textbooks, journals, and conference proceedings to deliver lightning-fast clinical answers from any device.

Why Sofie?

Sofie is also a valuable tool for students, interns, and residents to help them in their courses, case studies, and in-clinic work placements. Hear how Texas A&M University student, Brianna Boyle, uses LifeLearn Sofie to assist her with her veterinary studies: Click Here

Who is eligible?
Students currently enrolled in an accredited DVM program are eligible to sign up for a complimentary Sofie subscription. That’s a savings of $948 per year!

What is required to sign-up?

In order to sign-up, students must provide a valid university or college email address domain (ex. which corresponds with one of the participating schools in the drop down list. They must also complete the following mandatory fields: First Name, Last Name, University/College, and Year of Graduation.

* Note: your Sofie Free Student Subscription provides unrestricted Sofie access on multiple devices but only up to two devices at the same time.

During the subscription period, you will receive periodic emails and requests to share feedback via short surveys to help us improve.

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